Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Caring for your Horses hoofs part 2

This definition of the Barefoot Paradigm comes
directly from material authored by Dr. Hiltrud
Strasser, Jaime Jackson, Pete Ramey, KC La
Pierre, and flows through all the studies presented
by Dr. Robert Bowker. Each of these
people have inspired unique schools of thought,
and yet there is one single continuity. And in the
end, we discover that the Barefoot Paradigm is
all about the choices made by the horseowner.
The Barefoot Paradigm:
1) Because domestication has created so many
health problems for the horse, we must recognize
and study the natural equine and identify its true
biological needs.
2) Once these genuine, physiological needs for
good health have been identified, we must remove
those elements of our care which are causing
problems for our horses, and modify their lifestyle
to promote better health.
3) With the right combination of improved living
environment, diet, exercise, and trimming of
the hooves to encourage a natural hoof form,
horses can live in a domestic situation with
extremely healthy bare hooves, and can perform
nearly any task that is humane to ask from a horse.
4) When we encounter health and/or hoof problems,
we do not simply apply “symptom relief.”
We go back to step one, and repeat the entire process,
scrutinizing what combination of factors
caused the problem—then removing the cause.
The Barefoot Paradigm is about putting the needs
of the horse first. There is never a single right or
wrong answer to any problem; it is about doing
the best we can for our horses within any limitations
that we might have at this time. Hoof protection
is sometimes a necessity, and can be very
helpful when it is used appropriately and chosen
with great care. The Barefoot Paradigm is not
about being “anti-shoe.” However, because of the
great damage and interruption of normal circulation
caused by metal horseshoes, it would be rare
to ever find that an acceptable solution to any
problem. As such, we find that shoes are no longer
the “necessary evil” they once were—there are
now so many other choices

One problem we are now having, due to the
increased popularity of the barefoot movement, is
that so many people are taking their horses barefoot—
without even understanding the Barefoot
Paradigm first. These people don’t realize that
they have missed the entire boat. Whether barefoot
fails or succeeds is something they will simply
observe, rather than understand it is something
that YOU DO! Sorry, if your horse’s shoes
have just fallen off, that does NOT make you a
barefooter! Likewise, if your farrier doesn’t apply
shoes to your horse, and it happens to be working
for you—but you’ll slap shoes right back on if
they ever become “needed”—that does NOT
make you a barefooter. Barefooters make it
work, by figuring out what they are doing
wrong, and doing it better for their horse!

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